
Woodland Winds

Give a warm welcome to our brand new line of Spring inspired pure essential oil blends to help lift up your spirits, cleanse your home of negativity and stale air, and help to ward off the chill with the promise of flower buds and fresh blooms of the near future.

Woodland Winds is a rich and woodsy blend of pure essential oils of: Cedarwood Virginia, Eucalyptus, Grapefruit & Spanish Rosemary Camphor.

Close your eyes and breathe deeply, let the freshness of the breeze open your lungs and help you to slow your breathing and relax your pace. Woodland Winds is one of our freshest blends which would be perfect for a spa, living spa, and anywhere where you spend luxurious moments such as in the bathtub.

This blend will help to open up your breaths and help you to practice peacefulness and relaxation with ease and comfort. 

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