Summer Transition: Time to Cleanse & Purify

Summer Transition: Time to Cleanse & Purify

When we take a moment to step back, take a breath, care for ourselves, and revel in the moment, we can unlock so much happiness.

Gratitude in the small moments of silence and alone time, can help to elevate life and provide the space for new ideas to bloom.

Stop to smell the roses, burn palo santo to cleanse and neutralize negative energy, enjoying a warm and rich beverage, enjoy the flicker of a candle, or meditate with a crystal which has been anointed with your favourite essential oil.

All of these self-care practices are simple, and uncomplicated... Just like life should be.

Here at Alypsis, we are all about self-care and elevating life with simple and therapeutic techniques, ones that help us to reach self-actualization and take better care of our minds, bodies and souls.

Taking the time to practice gratitude for our bodies, and enjoying the bounty of life will provide us with opportunities for growth. Simple practices that work to prioritize you, cleanse away doubt and purify negative energy will help to bring balance and peace into all facets of life.

As the seasons transition and the earth warms under the caress of the sun, the care routine that we practice right now will carry us into summertime, which is the warmest and most energetic time of the year. Now is the time to plan, and prepare for the days ahead. 

Protect your skin, care for your soul, and breathe deeply.


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