Our History

Alypsis Inc. was founded in 1989 through the vision of Andrew and Karen Christopher with the support of Bernie Hephrun of Butterbur and Sage in Reading, England. Their dream was unique in that Essential Oils were relatively new and unknown in Canada at that time. Initially, their  goal was simple; to make quality aromatics available at the wholesale and retail levels through health food stores, independent pharmacies, and health care practitioners. With Andy’s willingness to progress and business acumen and Karen’s creativity and her knowledge of aromatherapy, the company began to grow. Over time, our products and customer base grew in scale, and we are happy to be where we are today. After the passing of Karen in 2019 and Andy in 2020, Alypsis Inc. was passed down to their daughter Sue and grandsons Ben and Thomas. We, as a family, are proud to keep our business running and to continue to, not just keep their vision alive, but to keep it vital and energized. Our mandate is to help new and existing customers in any way we can.

What We Do

Alypsis is an aromatics and natural health supplier specializing in conventional and organic essential oils, hydrosols, fixed oils, carrier oils, butters and raw materials. We provide retail services for the everyday customer at competitive rates. We also provide wholesale pricing for long-time and commercial customers (you can apply for a wholesale application here). Our newest commercial offer is private labeling, a service in which we work with you to blend, bottle and label your oils from our warehouse and ship them wherever you need (for more information click here).

Andrew Christopher

Andrew Christopher was one of the founding partners at Alypsis and the face of our company. Andrew worked tirelessly every weekday and weekend for 31 years to make Alypsis the company it is today. Any of our customers who had the pleasure of speaking with Andy knew he was dedicated, motivated and willing to help in any way he could. After his passing on April 28, 2020 Alypsis’ customers, employees and even competitors called us with condolences and left us with some beautiful words and stories dealing with Andy.

Today we honor the legacy he left behind and continue to run Alypsis as a family business with his daughter and grandsons taking over the company. We strive to meet the standards Andy had placed and he will not be forgotten by any of us anytime soon.

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