Bottles and Packaging

PLEASE NOTE: We are doing our best to maintain stock and keep prices low during the supply chain interruptions. Please have patience and understand price increases and fitment of caps to bottles are completely out of our control.  Thank-you!
The packaging shown is a general representation of the various sizes and types of packaging available for this product. Not all sizes and types of packaging for this product may be available at all times.

15ml Frosted Atomizer PET
from $2.00 CAD
4L Jug Caps
$0.34 CAD
Aluminum Containers
from $3.06 CAD
Amber Glass Bottles Wide Neck
from $1.00 CAD
Black Ointment Jar Lid
from $0.37 CAD
Control Dropper Assembly 18mm
from $0.78 CAD
Dropper Bottle Dozen 30ml
Sold Out
Foamer Bottle
$2.10 CAD
Foamer Pump
$1.60 CAD
Glass Ointment Jars
from $0.89 CAD
Jar Disc White
$0.41 CAD
Lip Balm Tube
$0.49 CAD
Natural Plastic Bottle
from $0.85 CAD
Packer Caps
from $0.35 CAD
PET Amber Bottle
from $0.56 CAD
White Treatment Pump
from $0.82 CAD


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