
Beeswax Bleached Pellets Organic

This beeswax has been bleached and filtered to remove any impurities, then shaped into small pellets. It is 100% natural and is refined through physical processes by which the natural wax is melted and filtered through active carbon to remove its scent and colour, which may vary from white to off-white. These beads can then be used in lotions, creams, balms, body butter and even soaps. They provide body and stiffness to formulations and assist as an incomplete emulsifier or thickener.

For candle making, natural beeswax burns cleaner and longer than petroleum-based paraffin waxes. It does not smoke as with petroleum-based paraffin. Made of 100% pure refined beeswax, this slow-burning wax is preferred when making aromatherapy-grade candles.

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