
Ajowan 10ml

Scientific Name:  Trachyspermum copticum

Country of Origin:  India

Synonyms: T.ammi, ammi copticum, carum ajowan, c.copticum, ptychotis ajowan, ajuan, omum, ajvan, ture bishops weed.

Plant family:  Apiacea(umbelliferae)

Plant Parts Used:  seeds

Extraction Method:  Distillation of the seeds

Physical Characteristics:  A yellow-orange or reddish color liquid.

Main Note:  Top to middle 

Aroma:  a herbaceous-spicy medicinal odor, much like thyme

Main Constituents: thymol, pinene, cymene, dipentene, terpinene and carvacrol.  Among others.  Ajowan contains 40-55 percent of thymol.

Blends With: Thyme Red, Parsley Seed, and Sage.

Safety Precautions:  Possible mucous membrane and dermal irritant.  Due to high thymol level, should be avoided in pregnancy.  Toxicity levels are unknown.


ATTENTION: Alypsis Inc products are for external use only unless otherwise indicated. This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease, and it should not be used by anyone who is pregnant or under the care of a medical practitioner.

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