
Earth Deficient

Earth Element Keywords
Sympathy, solidity, fertility, stability, security, comfort, centered, sensual and nurturing.

Narthecium ossifragum
Bog Asphodel is a flower for those who put their own needs last. It helps to give us the space to consider what we need and to energize those needs from a firm base.

Ilex aquifolium

Holly Leaf helps us see things as they really are. It helps us to shed the bitterness that can so often arise when the outside world does not meet up with our expectations.

Hedera helix
Ivy helps us to hold on when other forces would seek to dislodge us. This is a supreme grounding essence, helping to underpin the vulnerabilities of Earth.

Sonchus arvensis
Milk Thistle helps us to overcome the difficulties in our life that arise from a lack of the true mother love in our first few years of life. That lack of nurturing can seriously compromise this element in our own make-up.

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Lee Edwards
Earth Stability

I believe it's working. However, I haven't been taking it long enough to give a good review on its benefits yet.

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