

This composite is designed to help those who are experiencing difficulty as a result of major changes in their lives. Whether those changes seem to be good or bad, such times can be extremely stressful.

Polygonum bistorta
Bistort is the key essence in this composite - helping us by giving loving comfort and support during the process of change. It is as if it gives us an “inner scaffolding” that prevents us going into total collapse or breakdown. It encourages us to go forward into a new and more rewarding future.

Galanthus nivalis
Single Snowdrop is included to give us the courage to go forward into a completely new situation. At such times we may feel very threatened by what faces us. Breakthrough into new levels of awareness may give us quite a shock. Single Snowdrop helps us to accept our new situation with calm clarity.

Scilla verna
Spring Squill encourages us to fly in freedom. While Bistort and Single Snowdrop help in the breaking through process, Spring Squill brings joy and exultation in the new freedoms that are opening up to us. It enables us to find our own true way, unencumbered by the attitudes and opinions of those around us.

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