
Shea Butter Virgin Organic

Serving producers and processors, Pro-Cert is North America's leading certifier of organic, gluten-free and grass-fed products.

Botanical Name: Vitellaria paradoxa

Origin: West Africa

A solid fatty oil made from the nuts of Karite trees which grow in certain regions of West and Central Africa. 

Shea Butter is best known for moisturizing and emollient properties. Rich in vitamins and fatty acids, it penetrates deeply and leaves a smooth, satiny finish. 

When adding butters to creams and lotions, gently warm and using a hand blender, create a vortex with your cream or lotion and drizzle your melted butter to fully incorporate into the final product. The melting point can range from 32°C to 35°C. 

Various natural inconsistencies in color including darker spots and gray streaks are common on Shea Butter. It is solid at room temperature and rather hard in consistency. Please note that since this is a natural butter the texture may vary batch to batch and some batches may be grainier than other in texture.

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