
Rosehip Seed Oil Organic

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Serving producers and processors, Pro-Cert is North America's leading certifier of organic, gluten-free and grass-fed products.

Botanical Name: Rosa Canina, Rosa Rubiginosa, Rosa Eglanteria, Rosa Moschata

Extraction Method: Cold Pressed

Processing Type: Refined

Obtained From: Seeds

Extracted from seeds of a native rose plant that grows wild in Chile, Rose Hip seed is an amazing oil containing a large percentage of essential fatty acids and is known to greatly improve overall skin health.  A skin regenerator, it helps heal scarring, reduce wrinkles, and ease eczema and psoriasis. It also contains vitamin A, which helps delay the effects of aging skin.  UV damage and age spots can also be helped with the use of Rose Hip Seed Oil. Do a skin patch test in the case of acne prone skin.

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