
Spearmint Organic

Serving producers and processors, Pro-Cert is North America's leading certifier of organic, gluten-free and grass-fed products.


Scientific Name:  Mentha Spicata

Country of Origin:  India

Synonyms:  M.viridis, Common Spearmint, Garden Spearmint, Spire Mint, Green Mint, Lamb Mint, Pea Mint, Fish Mint

Plant Family:  Lamiaceae(Labiatie)

Plant Parts Used:  Herb/Flowering tops and leaves

Extraction Method:  Distillation

Physical Characteristics:  Pale yellow to olive green

Dominant Note(s): Top

Aroma: Fresh minty smell reminiscent of Peppermint that is sweeter, and not so sharp.

Main Constituents: L-carvone 58.94%

Blends With:  Basil, Grapefruit, Linden Blossom, Rosemary, Lavender

Safety Precautions:  Non-toxic, non-irritant and non-sensitizing.

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