
Classic Christmas Collection - 6 Bottle Set

This incredible collection of Classic Christmas inspired scents will help you to connect more authentically with the celebrations of the season, while promoting relaxation, and nostalgia.

This set of six 10ml pure essential oil blends has been expertly crafted to remind you of childhood moments, cozy nights, and brilliant memories. We know that you will enjoy the upcoming winter season even more with this kit of aromatherapy tools by your side.

This set includes:

Eggnog, Christmas Tree, Holiday blend, Gingerbread, Under the Mistletoe, and Curled up by the Fireplace.

These Winter Wonderland pure essential oil blends can be added to your diffuser, creams, lotions, candles, body butter, col and hot processed soap, melt-and-pour soap bases, room sprays, body sprays, face oils, body oils, massage oils, bath salts, bath bombs, lip balms, shower melts, shower mists, and salves.

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Carron Concepcion
Eggnog is fantastic

I was so excited to try the eggnog aroma and it smells divine! Hopefully they will sell it as a single oil next year!

Hello Carron,
We do sell Eggnog as a single oil! Please see the link here:

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