
Classic Spiced Orange

This festively spicy, sweet, and citrusy pure essential oil blend was inspired by clove studded oranges which are called pomanders (pommes d'ambre en Français), and are a classic Christmas decoration used since the Middle Ages to promote health and ward off evil. We have captured the classical scent of this orange, clove, and spices, combination in an oil blend that will delight your sense and help to purify the air.

This blend is invigorating, and can help you to relax as well, it is excellent to diffuse during or after dinner, early in the morning when you wake up, and whenever you feel groggy or unmotivated. 

This blend can be added to your diffuser, added to bath bombs, soaps, creams, salves, unscented liquid soap, and so much more. It can also be applied directly to skin, as it has vanilla infused in jojoba oil in it already.

This pure essential oil blend is part of our Winter Wonderland Collection, and will be available in a set of 12 festive essential oil blends that you can enjoy all winter long.

This blend contains: Sweet orange, pink grapefruit, cinnamon leaf, clove bud, cassia, and cardamom

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