

This brilliant and deliciously festive blend smells just like a spiced glass of your favourite seasonal beverage, Eggnog of course! This blend is light, spicy, aromatic, creamy and delicious and will entice you to run to the store to get some real Eggnog, or try making it at home yourself.

We know that some people have addictions to Eggnog (for example the mashup between Pumpkin Spice and Eggnog because the seasons are better when married together), which is why we just knew that we had to craft an Eggnog blend just for you.

This blend can be added to your diffuser, it can be added to bath bombs, soaps, creams, salves, unscented liquid soap, and so much more. It can also be applied directly to skin, as it has vanilla infused in jojoba oil in it already.

This pure essential oil blend is part of our Winter Wonderland Collection, and will be available in a set of 12 festive essential oil blends that you can enjoy all winter long.

This blend contains: Vanilla 3% infusion in jojoba oil, nutmeg, cassia and clove


Image by Tatiana Goskova on Freepik

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