
Secret Garden

Give a warm welcome to our brand new line of Spring inspired essential oil blends to help lift up your spirits, cleanse your home of negativity and stale air, and help to ward off the chill with the promise of sunshine in the near future.

Secret Garden is a delightful blend of pure essential oils of: Litsea Cubeba (May Chang/Wild Verbena) & French Lavandin Grosso.

Secret Garden will take you away to a castle garden with delicate, and multicoloured blossoms swaying the the gentle breeze. When the breeze touches your nose you are invigorated in the complexity of warmth in the air that smells of sweet and supple flowers that are blowing gentle against one another.

The combination of litsea cubeba and lavandin grosso essential oil is bright, cleansing and aromatic. Secret Garden will be your best friend if you don't have access to luscious gardens close by, and if you do, then this blend will be the perfect compliment to your own garden. Bring the best parts of the outdoors inside your home, and relax in the tranquility of a garden breeze right at your fingertips. 

You can add this blend onto wool dryer balls as well, to freshen up laundry with delightful results. It is delightful, warming, relaxing, inviting, and a staff favourite.

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