
Spa Fresh Bathtub & Shower Mist

We have expertly formulated our shower mists to enhance relaxation and help to promote joy and bliss. Use our bathtub & shower mist spray on all shower, bathtub, basin, sink or drain surfaces. This mist is made to be used in a steamy bathing or showering environment, and the steam and the mist mingling together will release the essential oils in this spray into the air which will help to promote deeper breathing and help with decongestion. You may be able to achieve deeper sleep, a sense of ease, and more intentional moments of self-care with this simple and luxurious product.

Live your best life of luxury in the comfort of your own home. Our Luxury&Bliss line of elegant spa products have been inspired by spa industry standards, and are excellent for use in you professional spa practice or home self-care practice.

Our Spa Fresh bathtub & shower mist contains:

Peppermint essential oil, Eucalyptus essential oil, Spearmint essential oil, Wintergreen essential oil & Melissa (lemon balm) essential oil

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