
Tall Glass of You - Black Spruce, Cedarwood, Myrrh & Frankincense Massage Body Oil


This deliciously musky, and aromatic blend of black spruce, Cedarwood, myrrh, and frankincense is the perfect balance of complex and mouthwatering. It will linger on skin all day long, and is the perfect scent profile for anyone who prefers musky aromas to sweet ones. You will feel like you are living in luxury after a self-massage, partner massage, or just after a bath or shower.

This warming body oil blend contains: Black spruce essential oil, Cedarwood Texas essential oil, myrrh essential oil, frankincense essential oil, apricot kernel oil, and golden jojoba oil.

Our expertly crafted body oil is the perfect massage oil for tender and sensual moments, it is amazing for self-massage for increasing blood flow and improving sleep, and is a perfect after shower body oil to keep your skin soft and supple.

Perfect for Valentine's day get you hands on our entire new collection of warming body and massage oils, to spice up your everyday and pamper your body to all of the luxurious experiences that it truly deserves.

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