
Basil, Holy

Scientific Name: Ocimum sanctum

Country of Origin:  India

Synonyms: Albahaca santa, bai gkaprow, baranda, basilic indien, Basilic sacré, Basilic sacré pourpre, Basilic saint, brinda, green holy basil, Indian basil, kala tulsi, Krishna tulasi, krishna tulsi, manjari, ocimum sanctum, rama tulsi, red holy basil, sacred basil, hot basil, and tulasi.

Plant family:  Lamiaceae

Plant Parts Used:  Leaves and flower buds.

Extraction Method:  Distillation of the leaves and flower buds

Physical Characteristics:  Pale yellow, thin in consistency

Aroma: a strong warm and spicy aroma

Main Note:  Top

Main Constituents: methyl eugenol (35% to 50%)

Blends With:  Bergamot, Black Pepper, Cardamom, Cedarwood, Clary Sage, Coriander, Frankincense, Geranium, Ginger, Helichrysum, Bay Laurel, Lemon, Lemongrass, Lime, Mandarin, Marjoram(sweet), Myrtle, Niaouli, Sweet Orange, Oregano, Peppermint, Sandalwood, Turmeric. 

Safety Precautions: The presence of methyleugenol contraindicates anticoagulant medications - may inhibit blood clotting; not to be used in the case of major surgery, peptic ulcer, hemophilia, other bleeding disorders. There is a moderate risk of skin sensitization and low risk of mucus membrane irritation; a maximum dermal use level of 1% is recommended. Dilute before using. A patch test should be performed before use for those with sensitive skin.

ATTENTION: Alypsis Inc products are for external use only unless otherwise indicated. This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease, and it should not be used by anyone who is pregnant or under the care of a medical practitioner.

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