

Green Tea Mint & Eucalyptus Foot Soak

 ~Soothe Your Sole~
Introducing the newest Natural Me  -  Soothe, cool and relax your feet with our Peppermint, Eucalyptus and Green Tea salt mix.

500gm reusable amber jar with a small wooden scoop. 

Does green tea help with swollen feet? YES
Is green tea good for foot odour? YES 
Are Eucalyptus and Peppermint good for foot odour? YES

Key Ingredients & Benefits:

Himalayan Sea Salt: Helps to soften and remove rough, calloused skin.
Baking Soda:Helps to draw out bacteria, sweat, and impurities, leaving the feet feeling 
clean and smooth.
Peppermint and Eucalyptus essential oils: Work to eliminate odors as well as to cool, soothe and relax the feet.
Green Tea: can boost microcirculation and hydration and soothe inflammation with antioxidant properties.

Add one or two scoops to your favourite foot soak basin and relax for 10-15 minutes with your favourite book. Follow up with a scrub to remove dead skin cells, moisturize and go!

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