
Lemongrass Organic

Serving producers and processors, Pro-Cert is North America's leading certifier of organic, gluten-free and grass-fed products.


Scientific Name:  Cymbopogon flexuosus

Country of Origin:  India

Synonyms:  Indian Verbena, Indian Melissa

Plant Family:  Poaceae

Plant Parts Used:  Grass/leaves

Extraction Method:  Distillation

Physical Characteristics:  Yellow to reddish brown liquid

Dominant Note(s):  Top

Aroma: Sweet and lemony

Main Constituents:  Citral (up to 75.4%)

Blends With:  Basil, Cedarwood, Coriander, Geranium, Jasmine, Lavender, Neroli, Niaouli, Palmarosa, Rosemary and Tea Tree

Safety Precautions:  Non-toxic, possible dermal irritation and/or sensitization in some individuals:  Use with care.

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