
Lime Organic

Serving producers and processors, Pro-Cert is North America's leading certifier of organic, gluten-free and grass-fed products.


Scientific Name:  Citrus aurantifolia

Country of Origin:  Sri Lanka

Synonyms:  C.medica var. Acida, C. latifolia, Mexican Lime, West Indian Lime, Sour Lime

Plant Family:  Rutaceae

Plant Parts Used:  Fruit/Peel

Extraction Method:  Expression/Distillation

Physical Characteristics:  Pale yellow to olive green liquid

Dominant Note(s):  Top

Aroma: Sharp, tart and bittersweet

Main Constituents:  Limonene, pinenes, camphene, sabinene, citral, cymene, cineols and linalol among others

Blends With:  Angelica, Bergamot, Geranium, Linden Blossom, Lavender, Neroli, Nutmeg, Palmarosa, Rose, Violet and Ylang.

Safety Precautions:  Non-toxic, may cause dermal irritation or sensitization reactions - apply in moderation.  PHOTOTOXIC; do not use on skin exposed to direct sunlight.

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