
Citrus Sunset

Give a warm welcome to our brand new line of Spring inspired essential oil blends to help lift up your spirits, cleanse your home of negativity and stale air, and help to ward off the chill with the promise of sunshine in the near future.

Citrus Sunset is a mouthwatering blend of pure essential oils of: Tangerine, Lemon, Lime, Grapefruit, Bergamot & Sweet Orange.

Close your eyes and feel the sun gently kiss your face with the last sweet rays of the day. Citrus Sunset captures the delightful aromas of cotton candy clouds right before twilight. When the days are long and sunny, and each passing day is an opportunity to view a gorgeous glowing sky at the end of each day. The sun teases out new buds and new life. It provides the support for so many plants and animals which are tucked away in peaceful slumber. This blend will fill your home the vibrant tastes of Springtime.

You can add this blend onto wool dryer balls as well, to freshen up laundry with delightful results (we would not recommend using this blend on white loads of laundry). It is light, fresh, awakening and invigorating and is the absolute perfect blend to help motivate you to look forward for the days ahead. Let this blend be the sunshine that you have been looking for!

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