
Moon Child

Give a warm welcome to our brand new line of Spring essential oil blends to help lift up your spirits, cleanse your home of negativity and stale air, and help to ward off the chill with the promise of flower buds and fresh blooms of the near future.

Moon Child is a blend of pure essential oils of: Organic Patchouli & High Altitude French Lavender.

Moon Child combines our most rich & complex therapeutic lavender which is from the French Alps and it is melded together perfectly with Organic Patchouli to create a balanced blend that is earthy, rich, musky, sweet and complex. This blend was specially formulated to help with spiritual connection and feeling closer to the Earth. The earthiness of this delightful blend will help sweep you away on a breeze of warmth and will help you to feel calm, relaxed and meditative. It is the perfect partner to a yoga session, mindfulness meditation, or to feel connected to nature on a camping trip.

Let this blend help you to regain connection to the land underneath your feet, take pause, and to practice gratitude through reflection.

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