
Early Riser

Give a warm welcome to our brand new line of pure Spring essential oil blends to help lift up your spirits, cleanse your home of negativity and stale air, and help to ward off the chill with the promise of flower buds and fresh blooms of the near future.

Early Riser is a blend of pure essential oils of: Rosemary Camphor & Pink Grapefruit. It is specially formulated to help with focus, attentiveness and productivity. This invigorating aromatic combination is brilliant for use during exam season, at a busy day at work, or when you have more on your plate than you can manage to finish within the time constraints of the day.

It is the perfect blend to cleanse the air, and to naturally perk up your senses and help with wakefulness. It is a wonderful blend to use early in the day to help with feeling refreshed, and can be used to help those who struggle with getting out of bed to feel more alert in the wee hours of the morning. This blend is potent, powerful and dynamic and can help you to get a move on with your goals. It is a busy student's best friend and is a wonderful blend to utilize regularly while reading. 

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